Rachel Dunkel

Rachel Dunkel is a Commerce Writer for BDG Media, where she creates shopping content across a number of topics, including home, kitchen, beauty, hobbies, and more.

She previously worked at BuzzFeed for three years, where she served as a Commerce Staff Writer and later as the Lead Reviews Editor, testing and writing about a variety of products for review, as well as assigning and editing reviews content across the site. Before landing in media, she worked in beverage marketing, textbook proofreading, and had just about every odd job you can imagine after graduating from UNC Asheville with a BA in Literature.

Currently based in Detroit, Rachel loves spending her free time doing yoga, knitting and sewing, and going dancing with friends. Outside of the city, she and her partner enjoy going hiking and backpacking as much as possible and hope to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail someday.

You can get in touch with Rachel at racheldunkel.freelance@gmail.com.
